Free Talks, Presentations and Workshops
Streaming from the 30th Nov to 6th Dec
Fair Trade Around the World - Local Perspective – with Nimmity Zappert, Chair of the Fair Trade Association of ANZ
Fighting Poverty through Fair Trade. Here how Fair Trade movement fights poverty through trade and how you can get involved. Nimmity Zappert, Chair of the Fair Trade Association of ANZ, will provide an overview of the Fair Trade Movement and speak with two Fair Trade businesses to share their story and how your support impacts the lives of their producers.
Read more about the speaker HERE.
The talk will be released on the 6th of December at 7:00pm HERE.
Fair Trade Around the World - A Global Perspective – A Spirited Journey – Changing Lives through Travel
This documentary highlights the life transforming work of the Seven Women organisation in Nepal and the incredible human spirit. It documents the journey of a group of Global travellers as they experience a life enriching 10 day immersion in Nepal. This documentary shows Trade not Aid in action and the positive impacts tourism can have on local communities.
Check out the trailer HERE.
The documentary will be released on the 5th of December at 9:30am HERE.
Make The World A Better Place Panel Discussion
Join speakers Molly Harris Olson, Sarah Morse, Nicole Lamond and Dr Zeny Edwards in a panel discussion following the screening of Make The World a Better Place.Fairtrade shows that a sustainable future is possible under just trade conditions. In Make the World a Better Place, you hear the voices of the people who directly experience just how close our world is to a point of no return. People who are taking action and changing things, so that all of us together can take charge and create a fairer world.
Read more about the speaker HERE.
The talk will be released on the 4th of December at 1:00pm HERE.
FILM SCREENING Make The World A Better Place
Movie Screening: Make the World a Better Place. In 2015, the global community agreed on 17 global goals for a more just and sustainable world. Five years later, what has this done for disadvantaged people in developing countries? What challenges do they face and have any of these eased? Is there hope for their future? When the pay they receive for backbreaking work is barely enough, when generations of dedication to coffee cultivation are endangered by climate change, small-scale farmers and agricultural workers truly feel the weight of power imbalances in trade. Fairtrade shows that a sustainable future is possible under just trade conditions. In Make the World a Better Place, you hear the voices of the people who directly experience just how close our world is to a point of no return. People who are taking action and changing things, so that all of us together can take charge and create a fairer world.
Join speakers Molly Harris Olson, Sarah Morse, Nicole Lamond and Dr Zeny Edwards after this screening at 1:00pm to 2:00pm
The Film will be released on the 4th of December at 12:00pm HERE.
Fair Trade Around the World - A Global Perspective - with Sophie Tack
Interview with Sophie Tack. Sophie Tack is the WFTO Europe regional representative to the board. Sophie works for Oxfam Magasins du Monde (Belgium)
About Oxfam:
Oxfam-Magasins du monde (OMM) is a Belgian non-profit organization active in fair trade, education, campaigning and awareness-raising. OMM is a movement of volunteers supported by a team of paid staff. It strives to achieve socio-economic justice through challenging inequalities and injustice. OMM operates in two major and complementary fields of activity:
Commercial Activities: Together with its partners in the South, OMM seeks to develop an effective, economically viable and convincing sustainable trading system of fair trade and solidarity products.
Educational activities, awareness raising and mobilization. OMM aims to promote a broad-based movement for change towards an economically just and socially sustainable model. OMM seeks to raise public awareness and inform citizens through a program of continuing education. Furthermore OMM seeks to influence public policy to achieve sustainable, social development.
We strive to achieve these two objectives as a dynamic, inclusive, democratic and participative citizens’ movement. OMM is a member of Oxfam In Belgium, affiliate of Oxfam International and a member of the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO).
Read more about the speaker HERE.
The talk will be released on the 2nd of December at 7:00pm HERE.
Fair Trade Around the World a Local Perspective
Fair Trade as an Antidote to Modern Slavery Webinar
The Fair Trade movement promotes trade equality and justice with the aim of creating a more just and equitable world. The real power of Fair Trade is in providing sustainable, safe employment for people who may otherwise be vulnerable to exploitation. Fair Trade practices ensure good working conditions and fair pay – a living wage, for workers and artisans in disadvantaged markets.
This webinar will present:
A quick overview of the 10 Principles of Fair Trade which provide a framework for businesses to help reduce poverty through trade
How the 10 Fair Trade principles support ending modern slavery
A real business Import Ants flourishing within the Fair Trade principles and what that means for consumers and workers in the supply chain
Read more about the speakers HERE.
The talk will be released on the 1st of December at 10:00am HERE.
Fair Trade Around the World - A Global Perspective - with Erinch Sahan
Interview with Erinch Sahan Chief Executive of the World Fair Trade Organisation based in the Netherlands. The WFTO are the global community of social enterprises that fully practice Fair Trade. Their Guarantee System verifies that their members are truly Fair Trade Enterprises. This means they pioneer models of business that put people and planet first.
The WFTO is the global community and verifier of social enterprises that fully practice Fair Trade. Founded in 1989 by the pioneers of the Fair Trade movement, WFTO members are spread across 76 countries. To be a WFTO member, an enterprise or organisation must demonstrate they put people and planet first in everything they do. WFTO does not certify commodities or individual ingredients in products, but verifies entire enterprises are built around the principles of Fair Trade. WFTO is democratically run by its members, who are part of a broader community of over 1,000 social enterprises and 1,500 shops. As the oldest global Fair Trade network, WFTO campaigns for and promotes Fair Trade across the world.
Read more about the speaker HERE.
The talk will be released on the 30th of November at 9:30am HERE.