David Titeu

Founder and Director at Linkmate

Howdy! David here. I’m a fettuccine carbonara enthusiast, (wannabe) DJ, silly sock collector and founder of Linkmate, a social enterprise devoted to proactive emotional support. At Linkmate, we help people feel less lonely and more confident overcoming mental health challenges through our peer-to-peer social app and emotional resilience workshops.

As someone driven by a firm set of values, I’m incredibly grateful to have been awarded the Early Ethical Entrepreneur of the Year by Moral Fairground & The University of Melbourne as well as Semi-Finalist in the 7News Young Achiever Awards for Safety and Wellbeing. To maintain good mental wellbeing, I can be found spending time with my grandma, working out or making tacos with mates. I truly believe that by treating everyone in our lives in the same way we do our best friends, with kindness, empathy and love, we can solve all of the world’s most pressing issues.

Title: Founder Resilience Masterclass

Synopsis: BUILDING A COMPANY is stressful at the best of times. Economic challenges, limited resources and countless rejections can threaten your business' survival - as well as your mental health. Trying to juggle too many things at once can certainly lead to exhaustion and what many describe as ‘burnout’, where you hit a wall and risk losing all of the great momentum you’ve built. But those who cultivate resilience are not only the ones who survive, but thrive in the face of adversity. The thing is, they never do it alone.

Special guest at the Ethical Enterprise Award and Conference Dinner

Date: 22nd of February 2023

Time: 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Venue: Level 9, Room 9.037, University of Melbourne 198 Berkeley St, Carlton VIC 3053

Room capacity: 20 people

Run by: David Titeu

Date: 23rd of February 2023

Time: 6:30pm

Venue: The Woodward, Level 10 Law Building, Carlton VIC 3053

Jess McDonald, Founder of High Tees
Morris Misel, Advisory Board Member of Enabled.vip presents Dr Gary Allen
Kiana Mei, Youth Markets Melbourne
Jenni Harding, Founder and Managing Director Greatest Good
Nathan Lee, Co-Founder at Stint Community
Vonne Yang, Founder of InRo

Liz Ellis, Strategic Communications & Engagement Specialist | Performance Leadership coach | Mentor| Consultant | NLP | DISC
Cameron Neil, Co-Founder Lend for Good and Red Hat Impact
Georgina Tilleyshort, Head of Client Services at Common Code
Phil Ore, Co-CEO and Chief Mentor of 25eight
Jonathan West, Partner/Auctioneer Nelson Alexander
Tom Dawkins, Co-Founder and CEO of StartSomeGood

Special Guests:
David Titeu, Founder and Director at Linkmate
Amanda Morgan, Director/Head of Research and Development - Fungi Solutions
Chloe Beavers, Experience Curator at Curate Space
Elena Konikkos, Melbourne Musician and Singer
Art activity:
The Connect Project