Nicholas Verginis
CEO of Social Enterprise Network Victoria (SENVIC)
Nick is the inaugural CEO of Social Enterprise Network Victoria (SENVIC), responsible for growing a thriving social enterprise community across Victoria.
Nick is an innovative executive and strategist and thrives in cross-sector collaborations. He brings over 20 years experience spanning the private sector, not-for-profits, government, independent arts sector and small social enterprises. Following the release of SENVIC's Strategic Plan 2022-25, Nick is reaching out to like-minded people to explore how we can work together to accelerate our path towards the SDGs.
Title: How can we help you? Power Hour
Synopsis: This session draws together leading experts across various fields whose mission is to support organisations create impact and reach their goals. They’ll outline how they amplify, grow and support organisations and how to best utilise their services and resources.
Date: 23rd of February 2023
Time: 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Venue: Seminar Room 3 & 4 Level 7, Building 16, 336/348 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Panellists: Elizabeth Hatton, Nicholas Verginis, Marlaina McPhillips, Jo Smyth