Create Your Idea Workshop
Develop your own businesses and community project idea that is Impactful, Creative and Desirable
Want to explore starting a business?
Interested in starting a social enterprise?
See a problem in your community you want to solve?
WEC - Women's Enterprise and Community projects Program runs the practical workshop with mentoring support to explore new career pathways and new ways to make money.
Two Square Pegs is a social enterprise that connects emerging enterprises with experienced entrepreneurial professionals to mentor, collaborate and grow a business together. We build evidence-based mentoring programs that support both the emerging entrepreneurs and mentors to grow their careers and potential.
We help both sides to connect and build a working relationship and provide support for the budding mentoring relationship to grow. Good mentorship requires a sustained relationship, that is mutually beneficial and we encourage reciprocity as the relationship progresses. Our mentors support entrepreneurs from underrepresented and disadvantaged groups to grow their business. We provide professional development, training and support to mentors to help them build on their leadership, entrepreneurial and innovation skills.