Creating a fair world for all with Kim Greenstone


As Fairtrade breathes and operates to strive for improved work conditions in developing countries, the insight it has as an organization into shaping the impact economy is one that is rich in experience and results, which we value and wish to tap into in our pursuits to share on this topic in our upcoming Re-Think, Re-Set, Re-Boot: Reshaping the Impact Economy event in October 2020. Our mission, as ever, is to bring people together to create networks of like-minded and well-informed individuals who care about People, Planet, and purpose. All of the people on our planet – not just ourselves and our local communities. Moral Fairground has a long term relationship of partnering with Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand to advocate for healthy and fair working rights of those who form an incredibly important, though often invisible and voiceless, part of our economy.

Kim Greenstone serves as a representative of the initiative to ‘promote fairness and justice’ and ‘increase awareness, engagement, and demand for the advocacy of Fairtrade’ and has joined our committee as someone who can share another important perspective that we ourselves may not be able to completely cover or speak for and thus accurately represent.

We hope you enjoy learning about our committee members as much as we do if so join us for a short exploration into Kim Greenstone’s role and drive for fairness for all.

Fairtrade is about stable prices, decent working conditions and the empowerment of farmers and workers around the world.

– Fairtrade

Q. How do you define what you do?

I work with Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand, which is part of a global system that promotes fairness and justice in trade and empowers farmers and workers in developing countries to overcome poverty through fair pricing, community development, and the elimination of exploitation. More specifically, I am responsible for increasing awareness, engagement, demand for and advocacy of Fairtrade and the issues we seek to address. This involves working closely with our commercial partnerships team, implementing marketing and advocacy campaigns, community engagement programs and digital marketing to reach and support consumers, businesses, and community groups in order to promote conscious consumerism and ethical trading practices.

Q. What inspired you to begin working in the industry?

While I believe there is lots of good in the world, I also see that there is so much that can be improved. There are still more than 700 million people who live in extreme poverty, often just because of the luck of the draw and where or when they were born. Much of this disadvantage comes about as a result of systemic challenges which I believe can be overcome, or at the very least improved. I am inspired to be part of an industry that works to address some of these challenges and level the playing field, and to play a part in empowering everyday people and businesses to take realistic steps that can actually help make the world a better place. And despite the challenging times we’re all living through with the current global health crisis, it still inspires me to remember that we’re all in this together as part of our local and global community.


Q. How does the work you do contribute positively to society and the planet?

Fairtrade is an enterprising development organisation committed to tackling poverty and injustice through trade. It’s a system and a movement that works to empower farmers and workers in developing countries so they can improve their livelihoods and communities, and it offers consumers the power to help make a difference to the world through their purchasing choices. By raising awareness and creating demand for Fairtrade I feel like my work helps to make a positive difference to people and the planet, both here and in faraway places.

Q. What excites you most about the concept of ‘Shaping the Future’?

We have choices and our choices can help create something positive and meaningful. When we work together to overcome some of the big challenges we currently face here and across the world, our actions help shape the future. And to me, that means we have the chance to make the world a little better for all. It’s empowering.

Q. What mantra do you find yourself telling yourself most often and why?

We’re all in this together. And we all have our part to play.


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