Trang Du

Founder at Two Square Pegs

Trang Du is the Founder of Two Square Pegs, a social enterprise that supports emerging entrepreneurs from under-estimated and under-represented backgrounds to use their personal and lived experiences to explore ideas for a business or community project that solves a gap in services or products in their communities. Trang is passionate about systems thinking and taking a community-centred approach to service design and building collaborative business ecosystems.

Title: Why we don't ask for help? (and why that's a problem)

Synopsis: In this workshop we will look at the barriers that stop us from asking for help so we can reach our potential in starting or scaling our enterprises and our careers.

If you haven't been taught how to ask for help, you don't do it. Asking for help is a skill you have to practice. It takes practice and discipline to learn how to ask for it and then even more practice on accepting the feedback you get.

We'll also address how we create safer spaces for people to ask for help.

Date: 22nd of February 2023

Time: 11:00am to 12:00pm

Venue: Level 5, Room 5.015, University of Melbourne
198 Berkeley St, Carlton VIC 3053

Room capacity: 48 people

Workshop run by: Trang Du, Emeli Paulo