Ethical Enterprise Conference 2023 Program
The BIG Shift

22th - 23th February 2023, the University of Melbourne

The world is shifting. We are living through a pandemic, an escalating climate crisis and a pivotal time on so many social and political issues. Research shows the huge impact this has had on human consciousness and behaviour as we redefine what matters. People are searching out purpose-led businesses who share their values more than ever before and the opportunity to build a healthier, more progressive society is now.

This year’s Ethical Enterprise Conference explores The Big Shift and how purpose-led business, ethical enterprise and social impact organisations can harness this opportunity, fuel their purpose, learn from and amplify each other. 

Come and join our interactive gathering to build lasting connections, be inspired and gather practical tools to help you grow.

Digital program

Ethical Enterprise Conference Blog

  • Slow fashion leads the way with InRo -  Vonne Yang, proud woman of colour, with a Masters Degree in Architecture channeling her passion into doing good for the planet & the people.